Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - April 2021

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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THE COURSES BOOK A TEE TIME do so with warmer temperatures. Shortly after the transition takes place, we will start our summer aerifi- cation process and prepare for our fall overseed. Currently, we are beginning to verticut and lightly aerify, as well as topdress – all part of the cultural prac- tices that instill great turf grass quali- ties at Indian Wells Golf Resort. During the summer, we will stay busy with turf projects, and we will tend to several of our larger landscape areas to improve the overall look. We'll also do a lot of tree trimming during the summer and before fall overseed since the courses are less busy and work vehicles can traverse over the Bermuda grass better than the newly seeded ryegrass. I think this summer is going to be great as we have so many things planned leading into the next season that we can't wait to unfold. The dormant rough is beginning to green up on the Players Course. For summer aerification and maintenance, the golf courses will be closed during the following dates: Players Course: Monday, June 28-Thursday, July 29. Celebrity Course: Monday, Aug. 2-Thursday, Sept. 2. SUMMER MAINTENANCE SCHEDULE continued from the previous page…

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