Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - April 2021

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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THE COURSES BOOK A TEE TIME CHANGE OF SCENERY Players and Celebrity courses begin annual turf transition By Jonas Conlan, Director of Agronomy I t may not be summer yet, but the turf grass on the Players and Celebrity courses is starting to change. I'm seeing a lot of warm- season Bermuda grass greening up and beginning to creep into the winter rye- grass, which is a good sign it's waking up for the coming months. The turf grass transition is especially noticeable on the Players Course, where we allow the rough to go dormant and golden brown during the season to con- serve water and give the layout that unique, contrasting look with the bright green fairways. With the help of fertil- izer applications, the rough is getting greener already and should continue to Stunning scenery awaits golfers on the Celebrity Course this time of the year. Continued >>>

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