Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - December 2020

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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the Courses BooK a tee tIMe Beauty to Behold It's the little things that make a big impact at Indian Wells Golf Resort By Jonas Conlan, Director of Agronomy B oth the Celebrity and Players courses are currently open and play has been steady, with guests enjoying the beauty of Indian Wells Golf Resort as the new grasses have matured following fall overseeding. Additionally, the flowers and landscapes are starting to bloom, mulch has been added to several areas, and the process of improvement will continue every day while several recent cool mornings – some with a slight frost – let us know winter in the desert is upon us. > on the Celebrity Course, we've been ap- plying fertilizers to the playing areas, which helps the new grass mature and grow be- fore the weather gets too cool and makes things more challenging. Continued >>> The Celebrity Course is blooming for the season.

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