Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - September 2017

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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THE COURSES > C L I C K H E R E F O R D E TA I L S O N T H E 2 0 1 7 # 2 0 1 8 P L AY E R S C A R D P R O G R A M G olfers who want to make the award- winning tracks at In- dian Wells Golf Resort their "home" courses can take ad- vantage of a limited op- portunity to join the new Players Card program. On sale starting September 1 until the exclusive offering sells out, the cards are valid for a full year and provide a slew of outstanding benefits – in- cluding 30-day advance reservations for Players Card members and up to three guests, complimentary range balls on days you play, a $25 same-day replay rate and au- tomatic entry into the Troon Rewards program. For a $1,200 annual fee, Prime card members can play from Octo- ber through the end of April for $95 Monday-Thursday and $115 Friday-Sun- day. The card also entitles members to 20 percent off in the golf shop and Vue Grille & Bar, 50 percent off a first lesson, and more. The $600 Standard card of- fers in-season rates of $110 Monday-Thursday and $130 on weekends and discounts on food, beverage and range access. "Frequent players are the lifeblood of any public golf course, so having a program that fits most of the needs of our frequent players is always a priority," said Michael Teb- betts, the Director of Sales and Marketing at Indian Wells Golf Resort. "We be- lieve we have done that with the options we have available this year." In addition to the Players Card, Indian Wells offers two other programs designed to meet the needs of golfers. The Troon Card program offers three-day advance booking and up to 50 percent off tee times at Troon's nationwide network of top-notch golf courses, plus complimentary skills clinics, card- holder-only replay rates, two-for-one deals and more. Indian Wells also of- fers Coachella Valley resident rates, designed to allow local golfers the opportunity to play a Top 25 municipal venue and help golfers introduce the game to the next generation at an af- fordable rate. Players with resident cards from La Quinta, Palm Desert and Rancho Mirage, or a Coachella Valley resident card issued by Classic Club can enjoy $89 rates Sunday- Thursday from October to May and $49 green fees dur- ing the summer months. NEW PLAYER'S CARD PROGRAM A limited number of participants will receive special green fee rates and other benefits CLICK HERE FOR TEE TIMES AT INDIAN WELLS GOLF RESORT The Celebrity Course. BOOK A TEE TIME

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