Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - September 2015

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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PRO'S CORNER > C L I C K H E R E T O L E A R N M O R E A B O U T I N S T R U C T I O N P R O G R A M S AT I N D I A N W E L L S G O L F R E S O R T C ombining state-of-the-art technology with a hands-on lesson program, Indian Wells Golf Resort offers a unique, digital approach to improving your game. "Indian Wells Golf Resort is very fortunate to have an indoor game im- provement center featuring the Swing Lab," said Head PGA Professional Tom Burley. "The Swing Lab has a few distinct features that provide what most golfers are looking for: the V1 Pro Digital Coaching System and a FlightScope Launch Monitor." V1 Sports is recognized as one of the leaders in software development and online and mobile applications for the sports training industry. Burley says the current software in the Swing Lab allows students to view a playback of their swing while the instructor offers solutions to help correct any problems. "Whenever students can see them- selves in motion swinging a club, it tends to be much easier for them to understand what the instructor is see- ing and the message we're trying to convey," Burley said. In addition, FlightScope Launch Monitors provide accurate readings of distance, flight, ball speed, spin, angle of attack, launch angle, and much more. "This provides us with a base to look at and crunch numbers, which we then use to try to provide the stu- dent with optimal performance on the course," Burley said. The Swing Lab is open year-round to get your game in shape and to give you the most comprehensive feed- back on your golf swing. leSSOn Tee eaSing BaCk in TO The SWing OF ThingS i f you've taken a little break from golf during the hot summer months, Indian Wells Golf Resort PGA Head Golf Professional Tom Burley has a couple of pointers to help you ease back into the game. >> Setup. It's easy to overlook this part of your routine. Setting up to the golf ball correctly helps you to align correctly, as well as make a proper turn and transfer your weight during the motion. Too often we neglect our setup and assume because it feels good, it is good. Try practicing with alignment rods to help square yourself up to the ball and the target for more consistency. >> putting. You want to make sure that the ball is leaving the put- ter face on its intended target line. To check this, place a yardstick or a 2' x 4' piece of wood down on a level surface. Place your ball in the mid- dle of the yardstick or 2' x 4' and see if you can hit a straight putt with the ball staying on the yardstick or 2' x 4' for the entire length of the roll. If you can consistently get the ball started on the line, you will have a better chance of making more putts. Training grOund Swing Lab offers precise analysis and video feedback << The indoor Swing Lab provides a digital approach to learning. BOOk a Tee TiMe

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