Indian Wells Golf Resort


Indian Wells Golf Resort

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THE PAVILION > C L I C K H E R E T O V I E W A L L T H E V E N U E S A V A I L A B L E F O R E V E N T S AT I N D I A N W E L L S T he Pavilion at Indian Wells Golf Resort opened a year ago with the promise of becoming the premier spot for special events and weddings in the Coachella Valley. Mission accomplished. In its first year of operation, the Pavilion has hosted more than 50 events, ranging from wine tastings and weddings to corporate functions and golf tournament banquets. Even more events are already on the books for 2015. The Pavilion was built overlooking the practice putting green and features three floor-to-ceiling glass walls, gener- ous LED lighting, and panoramic golf course and mountain views. The 6,000-square-foot canopied structure offers the comfort of a tem- perature-controlled room and sits on luxuriously landscaped grounds. It seats up to 400 guests, and with a lush greenbelt just outside the sliding glass doors, the Pavilion can ac- commodate up to 700 guests for a party or reception. "Not only is it beautiful to the eye, but it's the only on-course venue of its kind in the Coachella Valley," says Leven Shirey, Senior Golf Sales and Marketing Manager. One great aspect of the Pavilion, ac- cording Event Sales Manager Sharon Clark, is that the space can be trans- formed into just about any vision. In the last year the Pavilion has been converted into a Hollywood glamour party and has hosted dream weddings featuring glass chandeliers and other elegant touches. It also has hosted corporate cocktail parties with SNAG golf events using over- sized plastic golf clubs and tennis ball-like golf balls. "The past 12 months have given us a chance to see first-hand what's possible with the Pavilion." Clark said. To take a tour, call Sharon Clark at (760) 834-3817 or CLICK HERE to email. PICTURE PERFECT With its beautiful views and ability to host large groups, the Pavilion proves to be an ideal location for a variety of functions The Pavilion lights up at night. CLICK TO REQUEST INFO ON THE PAVILION

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