Indian Wells Golf Resort


Indian Wells Golf Resort

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PRO'S CORNER > C L I C K H E R E F O R C O M P L E T E D E TA I L S O N G O L F I N S T R U C T I O N AT I N D I A N W E L L S O R C A L L T O M B U R L E Y AT & 7 6 0 ' 8 3 4 % 3 8 2 3 BOOK A TEE TIME T oo many golfers I come in con- tact with say the same thing when I ask them how their game went. They say, "Great, except for about three holes." I find that a lot of golfers can hold their round together for a while, but not for 18 holes. Typically, the "blow up" holes come from penalty strokes or when the golfer is faced with a bad lie, such as in a bunker or behind a tree. But if you can avoid big numbers on the golf course, you should see your scores improve. A great way to manage your blow-up holes is to always try to manage the golf course. Learning where to hit it and where you can afford a miss can often lead to par saves or at worst a bogey. As a golfer, there is nothing wrong with bogeys from time to time as we all make those, we just want to avoid the 6's, 7's and 8's that add up in a hurry. As an example, setting yourself up properly on the left or right side of the tee box to allow for the most room for your tee shot is something that should be done on every hole. It is also wise to play your approach shots in to the green away from any hazards or bunkers. If the sand trap is on the right side of the flag stick, there is nothing wrong with aiming slightly left to take the "big miss" out of play. Too often we go for the big play looking for a birdie and end up with a six or worse. Learning how a golf hole should be played is necessary to avoiding big numbers and giving ourselves the best chance for a nice round. Anything we can do as golfers to make it easier to keep the ball in play is a must. Tom Burley is PGA Head Golf Professional at Indian Wells Golf Resort. He can be reached at (760) 834-3823, or CLICK HERE to email. nuMBErs gAME How course management can lower your scores By TOM BurlEy GIVE THE GIFT OF GOLF INSTRUCTION! I ndian Wells Golf Resort is offering a special instruc- tion package for the holidays that includes a lesson on the practice tee and an on- course management lesson with a PGA professional. For $299 you can give the "Better Golf Special," which includes: v A one-hour private lesson with a PGA professional on the practice tee. v A $20 lunch voucher re- deemable at the cafe. v Nine holes of twilight golf with the first four holes ac- companied by a PGA pro. v Rental clubs provided at no cost. v Same day "all day" practice privileges. clIcK hErE to purchase. LESSON SPECIAL Course management is key to posting a good round.

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