Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - Fall 2023

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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I ndian Wells Golf Resort is once again preparing to host the Troon Challenge National Finals. The event, set for De- cember 15-17, brings together winners from regional qualifiers held at Troon courses nationwide in a gol- fing spectacle filled with excitement, competitiveness, and camaraderie. "Hosting the Troon Challenge National Finals for the second straight year is a testament to Indian Wells Golf Resort as a premier golfing destination in the heart of the Coachella Valley," said Director of Sales and Marketing Ben Rodny. "With impeccable course conditions and an electric atmosphere in the backdrop of a cool December, we are all set to deliver an unparal- leled golfing experience." Featuring a two-person best-ball format, the culminating event of the Troon Challenge allows players to experience great golf combined with friendly competition in a series of amateur golf tournaments. Regional qualifying events are being held at Troon courses across the United States, including Indian Wells Golf Resort in mid-August. Winning teams included Carter Norris and Campbell Norris in the Gross Division, and Alan Exelby and John Graham in the Net Division. The Troon Challenge National Fi- nals will unfold over two days and 36 holes on the Players and Celebrity courses. Following registration, the competi- tion kicks off with an exclusive wel- come party, where competitors can soak in the unique Shots in the Night experience, which comes replete with drinks and a buffet. The tournament days will include not just intense golfing action but also a multitude of other elements de- signed to elevate the overall experi- ence for the players. In addition to breakfast and on- course lunch served daily, each com- petitor will receive a $100 Callaway shopping experience, an official AHEAD Troon Challenge National Finals hat, and Callaway golf balls. All participants will also have the opportunity to win fantastic prizes, with the first and second place teams in Gross and Net Divisions receiving crystal trophies and Callaway gear, among other rewards. ........................................................... CLICK HERE for more information on Troon Challenge National Finals. BACK IN ACTION Renowned Troon Challenge National Finals return to Indian Wells Golf Resort COMPETITION Indian Wells Insider / fall 2023 The Troon Challenge National Finals will be played on both the Celebrity and Players (top) courses.

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