Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - Spring 2023

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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THE ACADEMY VISIT THE ACADEMY AT INDIAN WELLS GOLF RESORT J unior golfers looking to develop the silky swing and mental strength that defines British Open and PGA Championship winner Collin Morikawa were recently treated to a special opportunity courtesy of The Academy at Indian Wells Golf Resort. The FlowCode Golf Academy led by Morikawa's coach, Dr. Rick Sessinghaus, took place on April 13 at the resort, where the teacher shared some of the mental game wisdom he has imparted over the years to his most successful student. From all accounts from those in atten- dance, the class was extremely rewarding. "The event was super well-received," said Director of Sales and Marketing Ben Rodny. "It was a fun day with the junior golfers. We had 11 competitive players come out to learn how to control their mental game and enter a state of 'flow,' also known as The Zone." Dr. Sessinghaus co-founded the FlowCode Golf Academy with the purpose of helping others realize their potential and live their dreams. Long intrigued by the fact that physi- cal skills were rarely the determining factor in athletic success, Dr. Sessinghaus and the FlowCode team studied the mental and emo- tional skills that can make or break a golfer's performance. The FlowCode Golf Academy provides the same proven success formula that has helped both athletes and anyone else who is moti- vated to play golf – and live life – like a champion. During the session, Dr. Sessinghaus led a classroom setting where he handed every participant a copy of his book, and instructed the class on his approach to mastering the mental game using his FlowCode method. Additionally, there was an "on-range" as- sessment where students worked on the full swing as well as on the putting green. Finally, there was an on-course opportu- nity to play with Dr. Sessinghaus as he coached and shared his knowledge. "Golfers who particated learned mental game strategies, principles and techniques that will take them away from the state of fear and more into the state of flow and optimal performance," said Tom Burley, PGA Head Golf Professional at Indian Wells Golf Resort. "Rick and his team are the best of the best. For those who want or are in need of some mental game help, this is the school for you." GOING WITH THE FLOW Renowned teacher shares his secrets to mental game success Nearly a dozen junior golfers turned out to experience the FlowCode Golf Academy with Dr. Rick Sessinghaus.

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