Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - November 2021

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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THE COURSES BOOK A TEE TIME On the Celebrity Course, carts will need to stay on paths for a couple more weeks while water and fertilizer applications take hold and the ryegrass establishes solid roots. By taking a conservative approach, we can ensure we don't run into problems later in the winter with poorly performing ryegrass. There will be a good assortment of annual flowers out there with a few new areas to attract the eyes of golfers. We're continu- ously working on our landscape areas and have added many plants and trees, along with dark mulch wood chips to create some stun- ning views. Golfers who play our courses year-round will definitely notice the difference between playing on winter ryegrass and summer Bermuda. Winter rye- grass is a little more upright, and with high seed rates there is plenty of grass to play from. There's also a little more cushion than the summer Bermuda, which tends to stay tighter and more compact. Our goal is always to create an amazing experience for every guest each time they visit, and a big part of that is the playing conditions on the golf courses. continued from the previous pageā€¦ CLICK HERE TO BOOK YOUR TEE TIME AT THE BEST AVAILABLE RATE

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