How hard work and planning help
keep the courses in tip-top shape
By Jonas Conlan, Director of Agronomy
ell, we've made it to 2021,
and hopefully we can get
back to doing the things we
all love to do, including
playing more golf.
At Indian Wells Golf Resort, we continue
with our daily operations and strive to
work together and stay positive. It takes a
lot to keep the conditions on the Celebrity
and Players courses in tip-top shape and
that means working on our plan every day.
Right now we are focused on applying
fertilizers on a weekly basis, and that is
something we do for the health of the turf
grass. These applications need to be sched-
uled and implemented without any distur-
bance to the daily tee sheet and golfers.
Although tee times do not begin until
around 7 a.m., we begin our days at 5 a.m.
Continued >>>
The grounds crew begins
work on the courses at 5 a.m.