Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - November 2020

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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tHe courses BooK A tee tiMe takes a ball mark to heal. Let's keep it simple and say that a fixed ball mark can heal much, much quicker than one left alone. Not to mention that ball marks on greens just look bad and make for bumpy putting. Driving tips: We will have some cart path restrictions on the Celebrity Course for a little while as the grass continues to grow and mature, but it won't be long before carts are al- lowed back in the fairways. On the Players Course, you can drive pretty much anywhere, just stay away from the tees and greens, and out of the sand traps and landscape areas. Feast for the eyes: The weather has been a challenge for us this year, which has kept us on our toes daily, but we feel like course conditions are looking and play- ing well, and as always we'll continue to make them better and better. We have such a beautiful facility here, with all of the different looks, styles and color. We have annuals in many places, perennials and wild flow- ers on our slopes; we have mulched areas with wood chips and plenty of new plants and trees. In addition, we have lakes, streams and waterfall features that provide out- standing views. We continue to work on all the out-of-play areas, thanks to new equipment and creative schedul- ing. We have spent a lot of time plan- ning and figuring out how to do things better, and we have good plans rolling out this fall to ensure that happens. team work: Our wonderful staff has proven again that they are the best around and all of their hard work and dedication is showing. This is a very large property and it takes all of us working together, as a team, to make it shine. Every day is a new day, and we preach about providing perfect playing conditions. looking ahead: Soon we hope that easing some of the restrictions will allow even more golfers to play, such as outings and tournaments, along with the wedding parties at the Pavilion and clubhouse. For now, we'll enjoy what we have – the good times, the weather, and beautiful days. For this is why we all live here and love it here. TAKE A VIDEO TOUR OF THE PLAYERS COURSE . . . . . . . . . . . . TAKE A VIDEO TOUR OF THE CELEBRIT Y COURSE

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