Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - November 2020

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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BooK A tee tiMe Continued >>> course report in living color Celebrity, Players courses blossom after completion of overseeding By Jonas Conlan, Director of Agronomy I ndian Wells Golf Resort is fully opera- tional for golf, with both the Celebrity and Players courses open, as well as Shots in the Night, and things are look- ing great out there. It's nice to have both layouts available as it allows guests the option to play two different style tracks. Helping hands: This season, we're asking players to provide a little help on the agronomy side. We're going to stress the use of sand and seed bottles and hope that everyone fills their divots with the mixture. Remember, though, on the Players Course we ask that you only fill div- ots on the tees and fairways. The rough is not overseeded on that course, and would cause minor green patches in the dormant turf. Also, please remember to fix your ball marks on the greens. There are many studies and facts that have been documented about how long it

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