Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - October 2020

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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THE COURSES BOOK A TEE TIME PURSUIT OF PERFECTION Great golf ahead as both courses undergo fall overseeding process By Jonas Conlan, Director of Agronomy W e've made it to overseed 2020 at Indian Wells Golf Resort, and this time of the year is always special. In many ways, it is the beginning of a "new year" for golf courses and we especially hope that this will be a great one. We've recently finished our initial overseeding en- deavors with the Players Course, along with the driving range, Shots In The Night, and the wedding lawns and putting greens across the bridge. The weather has not been the greatest as far as heat goes. But cooler temperatures are in the forecast, which should help with germination and growth. We are probably a few days away from seeing new rye grass on the Players Course, and that is a good thing because we open on October 16. Both courses will be open for play that weekend and then Sunday, October 18, late in the afternoon, Continued >>> The Players Course offers a stunning contrast.

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