Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - September 2020

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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Continued >>> COURSE REPORT BOOK A TEE TIME PURE & PRISTINE Course conditions shine as guests, top players tee it up at Indian Wells Golf Resort By Jonas Conlan, Director of Agronomy I t has been a while and the world has changed significantly since our last ar- ticle. So let me take a little time to bring you up to speed with what's been hap- pening at the Indian Wells Golf Resort. On the course maintenance side, we were busy working while things were shut down, and during the beginning it seemed very weird. The weather was gorgeous and the golf course was in prime condition, yet no- body was able to play. There was little to no traffic on nearby Highway 111. There were no cars in any of the parking lots out front, and it was weeks before we saw other workers at the surrounding hotels. As a superintendent, it was wonderful to be out there working, taking care of such a

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