Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - May 2020

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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Continued >>> SwIngIng InTO SuMMEr Everything you need to know about teeing it up at Indian Wells Golf Resort W ith summer on the horizon, Indian Wells Golf Resort will begin transitioning into the season with its two golf courses. In addition to the safety and social dis- tancing measures that will remain in effect, a number of other changes will take place during the warmer months, so if you're planning a visit, here are some of the most important things you'll need to know: > The resort will return to tee times at 10-minute in- tervals (instead of 20 minutes) beginning May 17, and a limited number will be available – both courses will offer tee times from 6-9 a.m. daily until June 21, after which the golf course maintenance schedule begins. > The Players Course will close on June 22 for routine maintenance, wall-to-wall aerification, and landscaping work. During that time, Indian Wells will run double tee starts from 6:30-8:30 a.m. off the first and 10th holes of the Celebrity Course, and then will close for the day. > The Players Course re-opens for play on July 17. lOOKIng AhEAd Continued >>> BOOK A TEE TIME

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