Indian Wells Golf Resort

To Our Valued Guests

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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TO OUR VALUED GUESTS AN IMPORTANT COVID-19 UPDATE FOR GOLFERS nder new guidelines passed by the county of Riverside, Indian Wells Golf Resort will re-open its golf courses on Friday, April 24. Players can begin making advanced online reservations now. As we ease back into operations after the shelter-in- place order due to COVID-19, we'd like you to know the steps we're taking to ensure your safety and that of our staff. The following page will provide you with information on what you need to know about booking tee times and playing golf. New procedures have been put in place to follow the county's guide- lines, the most important of which include paying for tee times online and in advance, wearing face masks on the property at all times, using individual golf carts, maintaining social distancing and more. In addition, the resort will not offer valet or bag handling at arrival or departure, and the building and pro shop will remain closed for now. We wish you an enjoyable and safe return to Indian Wells Golf Resort. FLIP THE PAGE FOR MORE DETAILS BEFORE YOUR ROUND >> U

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