Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - December 2017

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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EAT And BE MErry sPEcIAl hOlIdAy dInIng EvEnTs cOMIng TO vuE T here's no need to pre- pare a huge feast for family when you can just come to Vue Grille & Bar for the holidays. The restaurant will be serv- ing up special buffets on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day and also will play host to a New Year's Eve party and dinner. Running from 4-9 p.m., the Christmas Eve and Christmas Day buffets will feature veg- etable, fruit and cheese dis- plays, salads, hand-carved roasts and savory sides for $44.95 for adults and $19.95 for children. The New Year's Eve affair features a three-course meal with entrees such as Filet Mignon and Dungeness Oscar, Pesto Crusted Rack of Lamb, Pecan Crusted Pacific Seabass and Dayboat Scallops with Shaved Black Truffles. clIcK hErE for full menus. W e all know that a good bottle of wine can make any lunch or dinner all the more delectable. And we agree that our enjoyment of a "vine selection" goes up ex- ponentially the more we know about it. The pros at Vue Grille & Bar understand this as well, which is why the Indian Wells eatery of- fers an assortment of wine-tasting events. The first in 2018, to take place on Jan. 19 at 6 p.m., will feature selections from Trefethen Family Vineyards, which has been op- erating in the Oak Knoll District of Napa Valley since 1968. "Trefethen is celebrating its 50th an- niversary this coming year, and owner Janet Trefethen will be here at Vue as a guest speaker," said Scott Winant, In- dian Wells Golf Resort's Director of Food and Beverage. "She's a wealth of information about all things wine." The educational $110-per-person event will in- clude a five-course sit-down dinner with some of Vue's award-winning fare, Trefethen varietals sold at cost and, best of all, fantastic wine. Looking ahead, Vue will host a wine dinner on Feb. 1, fea- turing selections from Napa-based Orwin Swift Cellars. A TAsTE Of TrEfEThEn Upcoming wine-tasting event at Vue will feature the winery from Napa Valley VUE GRILLE & BAR BOOK A TEE TIME > C L I C K H E R E F O R I N F O R M AT I O N O N V U E G R I L L E & B A R M E N U S An upcoming wine-tasting event will feature Trefethen Vineyards from Napa Valley.

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