Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - September 2015

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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2015-2016 PRE-PAID GOLF PROGRAM > C L I C K H E R E T O V I E W A L L T H E B E N E F I T S O F T H E P R E % PA I D G O L F P R O G R A M O R T O P U R C H A S E , O R C A L L & 7 6 0 ' 3 4 6 % 4 6 5 3 BOOk a Tee TiMe W ith the former Players Card at Indian Wells Golf Resort, golfers purchased a card that allowed them to buy discounted rounds of golf in the future. With the new Pre-Paid Golf Program for 2015-2016, frequent players can now simply purchase pre-paid rounds of golf – with even greater discounts and no cardholder fees. "By cutting out that mid- dle step and simplifying the program, we're rewarding the golfers who play fre- quently and pay in advance," said Michael Tebbetts, Direc- tor of Sales and Marketing at Indian Wells Golf Resort. "We began to see no reason to ask people to pay for a discount card, and instead wanted to focus simply on discounted golf." With the new Pre-Paid Golf Program, golfers can pur- chase a card good for 10 rounds. The rounds are valid for the cardholder and up to three guests. A maximum of four rounds can be used per day, and they are not valid for tournament or group play. If you don't want to use the rounds on your card for your guests, they can pay the pre-paid rate plus an addi- tional $25 fee. The cards are seasonal and go on sale 30 days prior to the start of each season, and the prices differ with each cycle. Once the season starts, the card won't be sold again until 30 days prior to the next season. There's no limit to the number of pre-paid cards golfers can purchase. You can use your pre-paid rounds any day of the week, with Friday and Saturday rounds incurring an addi- tional fee of $10 to $25. "I think the initial reaction might be that 10 rounds sounds like a lot of golf," said Tebbetts. "But split up between friends it makes a lot of sense. You're actually saving money for you and your friends." SavingS plan New pre-paid program benefits frequent players IT PAYS TO PLAN AHEAD T he 2015-2016 Pre-Paid Golf Program allows golfers to purchase 10 rounds in advance with savings of up to 45 percent per round. >> The Fall Card is on sale from Sept. 1 through Oct. 1 and is valid from Sept. 25 through Dec. 25. Cost is $890. >> The Winter Card is on sale from Dec. 1 through Jan. 1 and is valid from Dec. 26 through March 25. Cost is $1,090. >> The Spring Card is on sale from March 1 through April 1 and is valid from March 27 through May 30. Cost is $790. >> The Summer Card is on sale from May 1 through June 1 and is valid from May 31 through Sept. 22. Cost is $390. CliCk here to purchase! Golfers can enjoy more time on the course with pre-paid rounds. THE FOUR SEASONS

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