Indian Wells Golf Resort

Indian Wells Insider - October 2020

Indian Wells Golf Resort

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BOOK A TEE TIME ONLINE GOLF SHOP STYLE POINTS Apparel brand johnnie-O brings a taste of the Valley to Indian Wells Golf Resort S ince its introduction last year, johnnie-O has been a big hit in the pro shop at Indian Wells Golf Resort. And while the apparel brand may be known for having a beach vibe, it has found a home-away-from-home in the desert. Founded in 2005 by John O'Donnell (brother of actor Chris O'Donnell), the brand is synonymous with high- quality apparel that looks stylish at the beach or in the boardroom, bringing West Coast prep to life. There's also a special line of johnnie-O apparel for golf – and it includes everything from polos, 1/4 zips, vests and jackets to pants, shorts, hats and accessories. Some of the new collections coming to the Indian Wells Golf Shop in November have a distinctive Palm Springs flare as well. The hues are derived from desert landscapes, well-known homes in the city with color- fully painted doors, and the iconic Hadley Fruit Or- chards, where many travelers to the Coachella Valley stop for dates, shakes, and nuts. ............................................................................................... >> Currently, all johnnie-O apparel is available in the golf shop. CLICK HERE to visit the Indian Wells Golf Resort on- line store for other available brands. "We introduced johnnie-O in the shop last year and it has proven to be one of our best-selling men's brands." – Pamela Vincent, Indian Wells Golf Resort Merchandise Manager

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